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Why IT Service Providers Should Partner with a Database Support Company

As an IT service provider, your daily responsibilities revolve around managing and monitoring your clients’ IT systems, infrastructures and end-user systems. This is time consuming in itself, which means you don’t have time to be distracted by your database needs. By outsourcing your database support and development needs, you can provide responsive, high quality service to your clients. 

Arkware partners with IT service providers and consultants to help them meet their budget and business goals. We can help with a wide range of challenges such as data corruption, error messages and data security. Let’s explore the main advantages of outsourcing your Microsoft Access needs to a company like Arkware. 

Save Money 

Outsourcing may seem like another bill, but it’s actually a proven way to save money. Rather than hiring and training your own DBA (database administrator), outsourcing allows you to get a competent and trained team at a fraction of the cost of a dedicated DBA. 

Plus, you don’t need to worry about adding this person to your payroll, providing them with benefits and keeping them trained on the latest technology. Outsourcing gives you access to true experts who receive ongoing training and education. 

Enhance Productivity 

Another benefit of outsourcing your DBA is that your IT firm can significantly enhance productivity and efficiency. After all, most businesses experience ups and downs in projects. 

For instance, when you have increased demand, your teams are likely to be stressed and overworked. When you have low demand, your teams are underutilized. Outsourcing takes away this stress. It ensures that your databases and applications are available around the clock, in the capacity that you need. 

Focus on Core Competencies 

With outsourcing, your IT company can focus on its core competencies, deliver new products and migrate to new technology all without having to worry about your database. In fact, while you’re learning the technology trends for IT, our DBAs are learning the technology trends for databases. This allows you to put your time and resources into the industry you’re serving, ensuring the best service possible. 

Gain Insights and Support 

To stay ahead of the competition, you must be able to make effective decisions rather quickly. When you outsource your database needs, you can rest assured that you’ll have a reliable and accurate database at all times. This way, you can trust your data and make smart decisions that benefit your clients and IT business as a whole. 

Why Choose Arkware to Be Your Database Partner 

Databases require expertise, especially when it comes to indexing, re-indexing, securing, troubleshooting and upgrading your database. A robust database expert can help with these tasks so that you can focus on the core competencies of your IT business. 

With over 20 years of experience, Arkware will make sure that your Access database runs smoothly at all times. We are also a registered Microsoft partner, so we know the ins and outs of Access. To learn more about partnering with our skilled team, contact us today at 952-949-4996

Why Outsource Your Access Data Support Needs to Arkware

Arkware is proud to partner with IT service providers and consultants, delivering professional Microsoft Access support and development. By utilizing our services, your team can stay focused on key issues that align with your core services. This saves time and money while keeping productivity and efficiency up. 

Let’s explore the advantages of outsourcing your Access database support and how it can help your organization thrive. 

Access to Specialized Expertise

When you outsource your Access database support to a team like Arkware, you gain access to a team of specialized professionals with expertise in database management. We are well-versed in Access database design, development, optimization and troubleshooting. We can also provide valuable insights and solutions to enhance the performance and functionality of your database.

Cost Savings

Outsourcing your Access database support can be a cost-effective solution. Instead of hiring and training in-house staff or allocating existing resources to database management, you can engage an external provider on a flexible, as-needed basis. This can lead to significant cost savings in terms of salaries, benefits and infrastructure. Arkware has flexible database management services – ask us about them today! 

Focus on Core Competencies

By outsourcing database support, your organization can focus on its core competencies and strategic goals. You can redirect internal resources and efforts toward activities that directly contribute to your business’s success, while leaving the technical aspects of database management to experts.

Increased Efficiency and Productivity

Professional database support providers have streamlined processes and tools to efficiently manage and maintain Access databases. Here at Arkware, we can proactively identify and address issues, minimize downtime and optimize database performance. This increased efficiency leads to improved productivity throughout your organization.


Another benefit to outsourcing your Access database support is that it allows for scalability. As your organization grows or requires additional database support, you can easily adjust the level of service you receive. This flexibility ensures that your database needs are met without the constraints of hiring and training new staff.

Enhanced Data Security and Compliance

Database support experts prioritize data security and compliance. They implement best practices for data protection, backup and disaster recovery. This ensures that your organization’s sensitive data remains secure and compliant with industry regulations, reducing the risk of data breaches or legal issues.

Access to Advanced Tools and Technology

Outsourced database support providers typically have access to advanced tools and technologies that may be too costly for individual organizations to acquire and maintain. Leveraging these tools can result in better database performance and functionality. 

Rapid Issue Resolution

With dedicated database support, you can expect quicker issue resolution. Database experts are equipped to diagnose and address problems promptly, minimizing disruptions to your operations. Arkware operates out of Minneapolis and has flexible hours to ensure clients have access to regular support services. 

Reduced Risk of Employee Turnover

Finally, outsourcing your database support mitigates the risk of employee turnover affecting your database management. You won’t have to worry about losing critical database knowledge when an internal staff member leaves. Everything will run smoothly behind the scenes so that your business or organization can operate flawlessly. 

Partner with Arkware Today! 

Outsourcing your Access database support can be a strategic decision that enhances your organization’s efficiency, productivity and data security. By partnering with Arkware, you can position your organization for success while ensuring your Access database operates optimally. To learn more about Arkware’s database IT services, contact our team today


Boosting Performance and Scalability with Database Sharding

In the realm of database management, scalability and performance are paramount. As datasets grow and applications experience increased traffic, traditional databases can struggle to keep up. This is where database sharding comes into play. 

Sharding is a technique used to horizontally partition data across multiple databases or servers, offering a powerful solution to handle massive amounts of data while maintaining optimal performance. Let’s learn more about the concept of database sharding, its benefits, challenges and real-world applications

Understanding Database Sharding and its Benefits

Database sharding involves distributing a large database into smaller, more manageable parts called shards. Each shard contains a subset of the data and operates as a separate database instance. Shards are distributed across multiple servers, allowing for parallel processing and reducing the load on individual servers.

The benefits of database sharding are: 

  • Enhanced Performance. Sharding distributes the data and processing workload, resulting in improved query response times and reduced latency.
  • Scalability. Sharding allows for horizontal scalability, which means you can add more servers and shards as your data and traffic grow.
  • Higher Throughput. By distributing requests across multiple servers, sharding can handle higher request volumes, ensuring that your application remains responsive.
  • Isolation of Data. Data is segregated into shards, providing a level of isolation. This can be beneficial for security and compliance requirements.
  • Geographical Distribution. Sharding can support data distribution across different geographical locations, improving user experience for global applications.
  • Optimized Indexing. Smaller datasets in each shard enable more efficient indexing and search operations.

Challenges and Considerations

While database sharding offers numerous benefits, it’s important to be aware of the challenges it presents. For instance, sharding can be complex in terms of database design, deployment and maintenance. It can also be difficult to maintain consistency across shards, especially during updates or transactions that involve multiple shards. 

Furthermore, some users find it challenging to ensure an even distribution of data across shards. Due to these drawbacks, we typically recommend using sharding when all other options for optimization are ineffective. 

Real-World Applications

Curious to know how database sharding works in the real world? Sharding is used on social media platforms, as there is a vast amount of user-generated content in the form of posts, comments and images. It’s also used on e-commerce sites, as online retailers can ensure quick product searches and smooth checkout processes using sharding.  

Financial services also benefit from sharding, as it can help handle numerous transactions and sensitive data. Finally, online multiplayer games often deal with real-time interactions and massive player bases, making sharding a suitable solution for handling game state and user data. 

Is Sharding Right for Your Data? 

Database sharding is a powerful technique that addresses the challenges of scalability and performance in modern applications. By distributing data across multiple shards and servers, sharding enables efficient processing, optimal query response times and the ability to handle growing datasets and user traffic. To learn more about database sharding, contact the database experts from Arkware


Striking a Balance: The Pitfalls of Over-Indexing in Databases

Database optimization is a delicate balance between performance and resource management. While indexes play a crucial role in enhancing query speed and data retrieval, the strategy of over-indexing, or creating more indexes than necessary, can lead to unintended headaches. 

Let’s explore the reasons why over-indexing in databases might not always be the best approach and the potential downsides it can bring.

Increased Storage Overhead

One of the most significant drawbacks of over-indexing is the increase in storage overhead. Indexes consume disk space, and having numerous indexes can lead to bloated database sizes. This can result in higher storage costs and additional infrastructure requirements.

Slow Write Operations

Indexes are not only beneficial for reading data; they also impact write operations. Each time data is inserted, updated or deleted, indexes must be maintained, which can slow down write operations. With excessive indexes, these write operations can become a significant performance bottleneck.

Diminished Insert Performance

When data is inserted into a table with multiple indexes, each index must be updated to reflect the new data. This process can lead to reduced insert performance, slowing down the overall data ingestion process.

Maintenance Overhead

Managing a database with numerous indexes can increase the complexity of maintenance tasks. Over time, indexes might become fragmented or outdated, requiring regular maintenance to keep them optimized. This can lead to additional administrative overhead and potentially impact database availability during maintenance periods.

Query Optimizer Confusion

Database query optimizers use indexes to determine the best execution plan for a query. However, when there are too many indexes, the optimizer might struggle to choose the optimal index, leading to suboptimal query performance.

Performance Degradation for Reads

While indexes significantly speed up data retrieval, excessive indexes can lead to a phenomenon known as “index bloat.” This occurs when indexes are not properly utilized by queries, causing the database to spend more time managing indexes rather than improving read performance.

Inefficient Use of Resources

Every index consumes memory and computational resources. With too many indexes, these resources can be wasted on maintaining indexes that are rarely or never used, diminishing the overall efficiency of the database system.

Compatibility and Upgrades

When you have numerous indexes, migrating to a new database version or switching to a different database system can become more complex. Changes in index management, syntax or functionality might require significant adjustments to maintain performance.

Complexity in Query Tuning

The process of tuning queries becomes more complex with a surplus of indexes. Understanding the interaction between indexes and query performance can be challenging, making it difficult to identify and rectify performance issues.

While indexes are essential for optimizing database performance, over-indexing can introduce a host of challenges and inefficiencies. Striking the right balance between performance and resource utilization is key to database optimization. To learn more about how to maintain an efficient and manageable database, contact Arkware today.


10 Ways that a Database Support Company Can Help Your Business

10 Ways that a Database Support Company Can Help Your Business

Database support refers to the services and assistance provided to users or organizations in managing and maintaining their databases. This support can be offered by in-house IT teams, database administrators (DBAs) or external database support services provided by specialized companies.

Database support encompasses various activities aimed at ensuring the smooth functioning, security, and optimization of databases. Some of the common aspects of database support include:

Database Installation and Configuration

Database support involves assisting users or organizations in setting up and configuring database management systems (DBMS) to suit their specific requirements. It includes selecting the appropriate database software, configuring database settings and ensuring compatibility with existing systems.

Database Monitoring and Performance Tuning

Regular monitoring of database performance is crucial to identify potential bottlenecks, slow queries or other issues that may affect system performance. Database support teams use various tools and techniques to analyze and optimize the database’s performance, ensuring efficient query execution and response times.

Backup and Recovery

Data is valuable, and database support includes implementing robust backup and recovery strategies. Regular data backups are taken to ensure data protection in the event of data loss due to hardware failure, software glitches or other unforeseen circumstances. Database support teams also help restore data from backups if needed.

Security Management

Protecting the database and its sensitive information from unauthorized access and cyber threats is a critical aspect of database support. This involves implementing access controls, user authentication mechanisms, encryption and security patches to safeguard the data.

Troubleshooting and Issue Resolution

Database support teams are responsible for identifying and resolving database-related issues, such as database errors, connectivity problems or performance slowdowns. They use diagnostic tools and their expertise to troubleshoot problems and restore normal database operations.

Data Migration and Upgrades

When organizations need to upgrade their database software or migrate data to a new system, database support teams assist in planning and executing these processes. This ensures a smooth transition with minimal disruption to operations.

User Training and Support

Database support includes providing training to users or employees who interact with the database regularly. This training helps users understand the database’s functionalities, query languages and best practices for data management.

Compliance and Auditing

Database support teams ensure that the database adheres to industry regulations and compliance standards. Regular audits may be conducted to assess the database’s security and data integrity.

Capacity Planning

As data grows over time, database support teams plan for future capacity requirements, ensuring that the database infrastructure can handle increased data volumes and user demands.

Performance Monitoring and Reporting

Database support teams provide regular reports on database performance metrics, uptime and any critical incidents. These reports help organizations track the database’s health and identify areas for improvement.

Database support plays a vital role in ensuring that databases remain robust, secure and optimized, enabling organizations to make the most of their data assets and effectively meet their business needs. To learn more about the database support services offered through Arkware, contact our database experts today. 


Optimizing SQL Queries for Faster Performance

Efficiently optimizing SQL queries is crucial for achieving faster performance in relational databases. Whether you’re a developer, database administrator or data analyst, understanding the best practices and techniques for query optimization can greatly enhance the overall performance of your database system. 

Let’s discuss ten essential tips to help you optimize your SQL queries and improve their execution speed.

1. Use Indexing

Indexes play a vital role in query optimization. Analyze your query patterns and identify the columns frequently used in WHERE, JOIN and ORDER BY clauses. Create appropriate indexes on these columns to reduce the amount of data that needs to be scanned, resulting in faster query execution.

2. Minimize Data Retrieval

Retrieve only the necessary data by specifying the required columns in the SELECT statement. Avoid using SELECT * as it fetches all columns, even those that are not needed, leading to unnecessary overhead.

3. Avoid Excessive Joins

Excessive joins can significantly impact query performance. Minimize the number of joins in your queries and use appropriate join types (INNER, LEFT, RIGHT) based on your data relationships. Consider denormalizing tables if it helps to optimize performance.

4. Optimize Subqueries

Subqueries, queries that appear inside another query statement, can sometimes be resource-intensive. Consider rewriting subqueries as JOIN operations or using temporary tables for better performance. 

5. Properly Use Joins and UNIONs

Understand the difference between different types of joins (e.g., INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN) and UNION vs. UNION ALL. Choose the appropriate join or set operation based on the desired outcome. UNION removes duplicates, which incurs additional processing overhead.

6. Limit the Result Set

Use the LIMIT or TOP clause to restrict the number of rows returned by the query. This is especially useful when dealing with large result sets to avoid unnecessary data transfer and processing.

7. Avoid Using Cursors

Cursors should be used sparingly as they tend to be less efficient. Whenever possible, rewrite cursor-based operations using set-based operations for better performance.

8. Normalize Your Database

Ensure that your database is properly normalized to eliminate redundant data and improve query performance. Normalization reduces data duplication, resulting in smaller tables and faster data retrieval.

9. Analyze and Update Statistics

Regularly analyze and update the statistics of your database to help the query optimizer make accurate decisions. Updated statistics enable the optimizer to choose the most efficient execution plan for a query.

10. Use Stored Procedures

Stored procedures can improve query performance by pre-compiling the SQL statements and reducing network traffic. By using stored procedures, you can also benefit from parameterized queries, which enhance security and reusability.

Optimizing SQL queries for faster performance is crucial to ensure efficient database operations and enhance the overall user experience. By implementing the tips above, you can significantly improve query execution speed and minimize resource consumption. For more information on improving the performance of your database, contact Arkware for a consultation