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Have you recently implemented an online database or are in the process of implementing one? Online databases like Azure SQL will bring you to a transition point where you have to manage your database application on your own for the first time. This can be difficult, especially if you don’t have much experience managing these types of applications. 

Fortunately, there are some tips and tricks that will get you started on the right path. And if you run into problems, contact your database programming expert. Arkware is always happy to address our customers’ questions and concerns! 

Here are five tips and tricks that will help you manage your online database more effectively. 

1. Set Up Your Database to Reflect Your Business 

Whether you or a database programming company is setting up your database, make sure it reflects the needs of your business. Not only will this ensure data quality, but also your database will more easily grow with your business. Some topics to address are: 

  • What information will you collect? 
  • How will the data be structured? 
  • What metrics will you use to track your success? 
  • Is the database scalable? 
  • What policies and procedures will you follow? 

2. Collect Only the Information You Need 

Simple is better, so gather only the information you need. This will make it easier to keep your database compliant while also being responsible only for the data you need. You can always collect more information down the road, especially if you’re using your database for marketing purposes. As customers move through the funnel, you can gather more information from them. 

3. Standardize Data Entry Procedures 

Data entry procedures are necessary in an online database application. Having basic procedures in place will help you find the information you need quickly and efficiently. And, if your database ends up having thousands of records, you can implement new standard procedures. Also, consider how you will handle missing information.

4. Schedule Regular Reviews of Data 

At least once or twice a year, you should give your database a ‘spring clean.’ This gives you a chance to identify problems with the data such as duplicate entries and missing records. These issues can cost you time and money so it’s best to stay on top of them so they don’t interfere with the quality of your data. 

5. Be Smart About Database Security 

Database security requires specialized security measures to keep information safe from cyberattackers. But it doesn’t start after you build your database – it starts before. Talk to your database programmer about what security practices to implement such as installing firewalls, backing up your files and keeping your database updated. 

These five tips will help you transition to using an online database with ease. For help creating, implementing or managing a database like Azure SQL, contact the database experts at Arkware today.